Monday, March 31, 2008

Manual Lawnmower

We didn't mow our lawn for 2 months after we moved in. The neighbors must have loved us. No?

Well, it wasn't as bad as all that. See, it was all weeds! So it wasn't very tall!

But still, for many reasons, I didn't want an electric or gas lawnmower. I checked freecycle for a push mower or manual mower or whatever they are called and saw lots of mowers that needed repair, but no old fashioned ones. I am kind of glad; the one I wound up getting is so much lighter than the old way they made them. Plus the blades were sharp so I don't need to worry about that for now. It was simple to put together.

Took me probably 3-4 hours to mow! I had to go over and over the same spots. And it's like a bad haircut; lots of things refused to be cut down. They just bent over and then popped back up when I wasn't looking!

But it looks tons better. I am so sad I cut down most of the gorgeous wildflowers (oops I mean weeds). Still, it's going to be easier for the kids to get around.

As a side note, we have an impossible number of tree stumps. Al chopped some up with the ax I got him, but some he couldn't do a thing with. So much to do here!